Egman Events

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[BSS-03] OPE’s TCG Expo UK Grand Open

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Top 16 Archetypes

4 - Green Gale
3 - Red Dragonoid Midrange
3 - Yellow Fabled Beasts
2 - Rainbow Kei
1 - Yellow Luster
1 - White Aggro
1 - Purple Soul Control
1 - White Machine Beast Control

Top 16 Deck Lists

Lists provided by Limitless TCG

1st Place Kieran McNeill - Purple/Green Gale


Runner-Up Connor Dilworth - Yellow Luster

Top 4

Top 4 Jarra Pennington - Red/Green Gale
Top 4 Andre Samura - White Aggro

Top 8

Top 8 Daniel Zidenberg - Red Dragonoid Midrange
Top 8 Howard Williams - Purple Soul Control
Top 8 Aoife F - White Machine Beast Control
Top 8 Cian Travers- White - Yellow Fabled Beasts

Top 16

9th Place Thomas Neseyif-Deakin - Rainbow Kei
10th Place Gabriel Boardman - Yellow Fabled Beasts
11th Place Alexander Blandin - Red Dragonoid Midrange
12th Place Zac Pridden - Yellow Fabled Beasts
13th Place David Rennie - Rainbow Gale
14th Place Luis Burnett - Green Gale
15th Place Andes Lee - Rainbow Kei
16th Place Pim Van Valkengoed - Red Dragonoid Midrange

Event Details

  • November 18th-19th, 2023

  • 66 Players

  • 7 Rounds of Swiss into Top 8 Cut