[BT-20] TAK’s April Webcam Regionals

Top 16 Leaders

4 - Syn Shenron, Despair Made Manifest

3 - Gamma 1 & Gamma 2, Newfound Foes

2 - SS4 Son Goku & SS4 Vegeta, In It Together

1 - SS Vegeta, Fighting Instincts

1 - SS2 Trunks, Envoy of Justice Returns

1 - Cooler, Revenge Transformed

1 - Supreme Kai of Time, the Chronokeeper

1 - SSGSS Son Goku, Soul Striker Reborn

1 - Son Goku & Vegeta, Path to Victory

1- Gogeta, Fusion Complete

7 - Syn Shenron, Despair Made Manifest

6 - Android 21, the Nature of Evil

6 - SS Vegeta, Fighting Instincts

5 - SS4 Son Goku & SS4 Vegeta, In It Together

4 - Gamma 1 & Gamma 2, Newfound Foes

3 - SS2 Trunks, Envoy of Justice Returns

3 - SSGSS Son Goku, Soul Striker Reborn

3 - Supreme Kai of Time, the Chronokeeper

3 - Cooler, Galatic Dynasty

21 - Leaders with 2 or less copies

Top 16 Decks

*Some Side Decks were not immediately obvious for some of the deck lists I was given.


1st John Argyros - SS4 Son Goku & SS4 Vegeta, In It Together


2nd Peter Boctor - SS Vegeta, Fighting Instincts

3rd Mark Andrews - Gamma 1 & Gamma 2, Newfound Foes

4th Nicholas Paspaliaris - SS2 Trunks, Envoy of Justice Returns

5th Jun Teoh - Gamma 1 & Gamma 2, Newfound Foes

6th Timothy Hain - Cooler, Revenge Transformed


7th Tom Lane - Supreme Kai of Time, the Chronokeeper

8th Tyson Eyles - Syn Shenron, Despair Made Manifest

9th Kevin Nayda - Syn Shenron, Despair Made Manifest

10th Blake Miles - SSGSS Son Goku, Soul Striker Reborn

11th Zackary O'Donoghue - SS4 Son Goku & SS4 Vegeta, In It Together

12th Daniel Hardie - Gamma 1 & Gamma 2, Newfound Foes

13th Emre Sahan - Son Goku & Vegeta, Path to Victory

14th Ben Lu - Gogeta, Fusion Complete

15th Steven Johnstone - Syn Shenron, Despair Made Manifest

16th Benny Zhang - Syn Shenron, Despair Made Manifest

Event Details


[BT-20] France Toulouse Regionals


[BT-20] CoreTCG’s April Webcam Regionals