Egman Events

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[BT-13] Gen Con August 4th Online Regionals

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Top 16 Archetypes

4 - Shinegreymon
3 - Greymon
2 - Royal Knights
1 - Bloomlord
1 - Beelzemon X
1 - Jesmon
1 - Mirage
1 - Ulforce
1 - Blue Flare
1 - Alphamon

Top 16 Deck Lists


1st Bryan Serrano - ShineGreymon


2nd Miles Higashi - Bloomlord


3rd Conor Lanning - Beelzemon X

4th Ashtyn Edwards - Jesmon

5th Alec Blanchet - Greymon ( WarGrey/Dorbick )

6th Kevin Tavares - ShineGreymon

7th Nhan Truong - Mirage

8th Martin Lee - Ulforce


9th Ryan Wobser - Royal Knights

10th Josh Stallworth - Blue Flare


11th Nicholas Yang - Greymon ( WarGrey )

12th Kevin Besta - Royal Knights

13th Steven Ma - Alphamon

14th Mohannad Tarek - ShineGreymon


15th Brian Khieu - Greymon ( BWGX )

16th Bobby Smith - ShineGreymon

Event Details

  • August 4th by PlayTCG

  • 209 Players

  • 7 Rounds of Swiss, B03