Egman Events

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[BT-13UC] TAK’s Melbourne Ultimate Cup

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Top 16 Archetypes

5 - Red Hybrid
3 - Mirage
3 - Blue Flare
1 - D-Reaper
1 - BWGX
1 - Yellow Hybrid
1 - Gallantmon
1 - Ulforce

Top 16 Deck Lists


1st William Mak - Mirage


2nd William Yu - Blue Flare

3rd Joseph Reyes - Mirage

4th Sean O’Neill - Mirage

5th Jason Larry - Red Hybrid

6th Eric Tan - Red Hybrid

7th Gary Lasorella - D-Reaper

8th Jackie Chan - Red Hybrid


9th Luke Arcella - Red Hybrid

10th Charles Vo - Greymon ( BWGX )

11th Paul Carr - Yellow Hybrid

12th Sean Gooden - Gallantmon

13th Daniel Morris - Blue Flare

14th Benn Abbot - Red Hybrid

15th Nicholas Slack - Ulforce

16th Johnny Nguyen - Blue Flare

Event Details

  • October 1st by TAK Games

  • 78 Players

  • 6 Rounds of Swiss, B03