[BT-15] Latam April Online Regionals

Top 16 Archetypes

3 - MirageGaogamon
3 - Numemon
3 - Leviamon
2 - Loogamon
2 - Security Control
1 - ShineGreymon
1 - WarGreymon
1 - Devas

Top 16 Deck Lists

Deck Lists thanks to Digimon Latam

1st Place Agustin Goodtempo - MirageGaogamon

2nd Place Abel Yantorno - Numemon

3rd Place Kevin Juarez - ShineGreymon

4th Place Joni - Loogamon

5th Place Sebastian Gonzalez - MirageGaogamon

6th Place Alejandro Velarde - Leviamon

7th Place Emiliano Cardozo - Loogamon

8th Place Robert Solis Rayos - Numemon

9th Place Aramis Gomez - MirageGaogamon

10th Place Jorge Calvo - Security Control

11th Place Lautaro Capece - Leviamon

12th Place Omar Velarde - Leviamon

13th Place Oliver Leal - WarGreymon

14th Place Christopher Weber - Devas

15th Place Kevin Diaz - Security Control

16th Place Federico Matavos - Numemon

Event Details

  • 128 Players

  • 6 Rounds of Swiss


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