[BT-15] TAK’s May Online Regional

Top 16 Archetypes

3 - MirageGaogamon
3 - Numemon
2 - Sec Con
1 - Deva
1 - Vaccine
1 - Hunters
1 - Armor
1 - Belphemon
1 - Shinegrey
1 - Jellymon
1 - Red Hybrid

Top 16 Deck Lists

Deck Lists thanks to Digiburst! and TAK!

1st Place Eduardo González - Mirage

2nd Place Paul Carr - Deva

3rd Place Tik Wai Lau - Vaccine

4th Place Joseph Reyes- Mirage

5th Place Slayde Blucher - Hunters

6th Place Chia Lun (Alan) Ku - Armor

7th Place Hayden Foster - Numemon

8th Place Sai Santoso-Miller - Sec Con

9th Place Daniel Haren - Sec Con

10th Place Aidan Redpath - Mirage

11th Place Ethan Liu - Belphemon

12th Place Thinh Dinh - Shinegreymon

13th Place Matthew Phung - Numemon

14th Place Alessandro Stagni - Jellymon

15th Place Jackie Chan - Red Hybrid

16th Place Weslee Sanchez - Numemon

Event Details

  • 97 Players

  • 6 Rounds of Swiss


[BT-15] CoreTCG’s May Online Regional


[BT-15] CoreTCG’s May Online Ultimate Cup